Health Benefits of Tumeric


What is Tumeric                                   20160120_115848

Tumeric is a plant that is the main spice in curry.  Most people know it for its bitter taste and its bright orange color.  It has a sharp taste and smells like pepper.  In addition to its use to flavor and color curry, its root is also used in the making of medications. 

In addition to its antiinfective properties (antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal) tumeric is also loaded with protein and dietary fiber.  It is packed with a host of vitamins and nutrients such as niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.  If that’s not enough, check out these additional uses.

Top 10 Claims to Fame 

Prevents cancer

Helps to relieve inflammation such as in arthritis and has anti-oxidant properties to destroy free radicals.

Prevents liver disease

Controls diabetes

Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Reduces cholesterol level

My favorite- boosts the immune system

Can improve digestion

Heals wounds

Can help to maintain ideal body weight

Bonus:  I have found it helpful with lemon juice to controlling acne!

How does it work

Some components in tumeric may help to decrease swelling (inflammation).  Tumeric also has anti-oxidant properties which decrease free radicals that can damage the cells in our body.

Sources such as Web MD report that for most problems, tumeric has been used in doses of 500 mg twice a day and up to 500 mg four times a day.  As with everything, it is not without side effects, however, I would rather use something natural that has been around for ages instead of popping a pill.  Feel free to comment on your experience with this natural root.

References and further reading:

Top 10 Health Benefits of Tumeric

Web MD Review of Tumeric

Disclaimer:  As always, please remember to consult your doctor before using any medication, herbal or natural product/supplements.  If you are pregnant or nursing, please especially be cautious of using any medication, herbal or natural product/supplements without consulting your doctor.  This information is only to be used as a supplement to instructions given by your medical professional and you should always inform them of the usage of other medications, herbs or natural products/supplements.

2 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Tumeric

  1. Wonderful! How do I buy it. Can I get it as a natural root or plant, or at a health food store in a capsule or pill form.


    1. Thanks for the reply. I buy tumeric from the grocery store and it says 100% but most likely it is about 98%. That is fine with me and it is the most economical. I am sure the health food store has the root but the powder is more suitable for me and my lifestyle with the children and hubby. I find that if it is not easy to do, I don’t stick to it. You can buy the capsules from the health food store but it is even less tumeric and a bit pricey in my opinion, however, easier than having to prepare. I want to begin to incorporate the ginger with it but at this time, I don’t have a juicer. It is easy for me to squeeze a half to whole lemon and add the tumeric to it with a bit of water. You can put your own spin on it. Check in here for my next topic….Cinnamon!


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