The MSP Connection

Have you ever had a day that you were so mentally down that you could hardly find your way to do the basic daily tasks that you should… wash your face, brush your teeth, shower, make your bed or even eat a single meal? I want to high light in this post the MSP Connection (Mental, Soul and Physical Connection) as I have coined it. There is a rising and alarming rate of children and adults being diagnosed with some type of mental disorder. What is happening that is causing this? What are some things we can do to help ourselves and our loved ones to decrease the risk of falling amongst the ranks of the millions of those that suffer daily? Please watch these brief videos that shed a lot on this subject. The first thing we can do is recognize those that may be showing signs of a problem.

Video Credit: How to Spot the Signs Your Physical Health Is Affecting Mental Health posted by MedCircle

I truly believe the WHY has a lot to do with us being in such a fast paced, technology filled and social media infected lifestyle. Seems to me people were happier before cell phones, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and tiktok. Every time you turn around there’s someone that you find is posting their inner most secrets on social media or making it to look like their lives are flawless, which can tend to make the youth, especially, feel inadequate as if something is wrong with them for not having the same experiences.

This next video shares the impact of how mental issues are affecting our youth. Keep in mind that the signs that adults may demonstrate may not necessarily manifest the same in the youth. Take a look.

Video Credit: Y2Y Teens Discuss Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health, Youth to Youth International

So how do we prevent from going down the downward spiral of anxiety, depression and other issues tied to poor mental health? Well anyone that knows me knows that I’m a firm believer in our culture protecting us. Some of us would call it a religion or belief in a higher being. I believe that the Heavenly Father has put in place all that we need, not just for physical matters but for our spiritual needs as well. The spirit stands between the physical body and our soul. Keeping ourselves well fed physically and spiritually is imperative in order that the soul is not destroyed.

  • I have posted in the past the connection between the gut and brain, knowing that if we put healthy things in our mouths, our bodies will be better off. I don’t think anyone would argue with that.
  • Getting the proper amount of sleep often will help us to have a better outlook on the day and give us the energy to tackle our problems
  • We need each other! Anyone that has been isolated from loved ones, or those without friends and family, for whatever reason truly are affected by isolation. Don’t feel afraid to reach out. Yes, there is the risk of rejection in trying to meet and get to know people but the benefit of friendships and love far outweighs the risk. Also, those that have found strong connections, let others into your circle or family. Love is a healer.
  • Busy yourself with feeding your soul with the nourishment that it needs. Strive to be the best you and focus on TODAY. We can’t change the past but can improve on the present and future by putting in the self work.
  • GIVE and do it from the heart❤️! If it’s not real I suggest you keep it. Don’t get into the pattern of thinking that money is the only thing you can give, sometimes your time is the most valuable and heartfelt thing that will reach someone.
  • Connect with nature and all that the Most High has made for us to see, feel, taste, touch, smell and be grateful for your senses and abilities. Being out in nature has been shown to positively impact health.
  • Have a hobby. Something that you can develop possibly even into a talent. It could be as simple as reading, writing a poem, bird watching, listen to inspiring music, dance, coin or stamp collecting, etc.
  • And last but not least, be able to forgive yourself and others. Don’t carry baggage because it will only load you down. Easier said than done but most definitely there’s something that most of us need to unpack and let go of, and the sooner the better.

I’d love to hear back from those of you who have other suggestions on keeping your spirits up. Feel free to comment back😀.

I hope this will set you on a journey to a cleaner bill of MSP Health and maybe even help you to help someone else, whether they be a loved one or stranger that you encounter. Let the humanity in you shine through! Be a blessing to all you meet. One love!

As always, why not SHARE IT❤️ , LIKE👍🏾,  REPOST♻️ , COMMENT♻️ and YES, SUBSCRIBE✅ by clicking Follow……

Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏾

Should I Remove My Mercury Fillings?

In my youth I have to admit, I didn’t give to much thought as to what I was eating or pay as much attention to mouth care. I received all of the teachings from my parents and dentist to brush my teeth at least morning and night as well as floss after eating, but sadly had no idea of the impact that poor dental hygiene could have on our health. It was good that I was told to do these things but it would have been much more motivating to see the effects of what not doing them resulted in.

Fast forward to today, I have about 5 amalgam fillings (dental fillings that include a high percentage of mercury) in my mouth and with the development of certain ailments over time, I continue to wonder if these fillings have anything to do with it. Please take a minute to listen to Brian Peddicord’s story in the video below. Although I don’t have a lot of his symptoms, I can’t help but wonder what else these amalgams cause and that many of us that received them did not give our consent knowing the risks. The first time I was ever asked for me and any of my children if I wanted amalgam or porcelain (another available option), I was about 40 years old and living in Israel. Should a dental cavity develop now in my mouth or my children’s of course I choose porcelain. It is more costly but well worth avoiding the health risks of amalgam. At any rate, I am of course trying to be healthier so that we avoid dental cavities along with the development of other disorders in the body.

Video credit: Brian Peddicord “Mercury Poisoning & Amalgam Fillings – My Story”

The scary thing about this is, how many of us know someone that fits Brian’s story? How much of this could have been prevented and think of what his life would have been like, all of the pain that could have been avoided. Of course our stories and struggles if used for good help countless others. Thank you Brian for sharing your story.

See the below article for more info on safety information and those at high risk for mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings:

Getting the amalgam removed is not without risk either, however, there is an emergence of hope. Many natural dentists are beginning to come forth and have the training to decrease the risk of toxicity to the patient and the healthcare provider by a series of steps in the removal procedure and with special equipment. See the below videos by Dr. Berg regarding toxicity, ways to detox with natural products as well as his personal story and opinion. The video that follows is a doctor who has been trained in the removal of amalgam.

Video Credit: “Mercury Toxicity”, by Dr. Eric Berg, DC

Bottom Line:

With amalgam, the concern is regarding the metals used and with resin there is concern over BPA. The American Dental Association has information regarding the safety and efficacy of both solutions, but can we trust it? We must be informed of our choices and the possible consequences of those choices. Many of us I’m sure were not aware back in the day of the impact that these fillings would have on our lives and health. I’m sure some of the dental professionals may not have either. Removal will have to be weighed with the size of the filling, the soundness of the filling (is it damaged or in relatively good shape) and the health of your gum tissue, bone structure and teeth. Speaking to your dentist and your general physician can help you to decide as well as if you are having symptoms of toxicity.

Video credit: “Mercury Filling Removal Process”, by Millennium Dental Associates

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Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏿

Listen to What Our Feet are Telling Us

Did you know that our feet communicate a number of things to us? No, I’m not saying that they actually talk to us, however, they reveal signs of some things that we need to pay attention to that pertain to our health and well being.

Check out this short video by Dr. Gus “8 Things Your Feet Are Telling You About Your Health” (Diseases Revealed By Your Feet)

Video Credit: Dr. Gus, “8 Things Your Feet Are Telling You About Your Health – Diseases Revealed By Your Feet”

So to recap the 8 things we saw in the video, look for the following things:

*Heart, Liver or Kidney:

Swollen ankles or feet. See your doctor to rule out organ failure.

*Poor Circulation and/or nerve damage:

You may experience numbness, tingling and pain in your feet. Some may have cold feet or toes.

Your feet may change in color, develop a bad odor, moles. See your doctor!

Exercise, decreasing sugar and losing weight may help

*Diabetes: this is a form of inflammation and most definitely decreasing sugar and inflammatory foods works miracles.

*Hormonal Condition:

Thyroid- you may experience cold toes and feet. See your doctor.

*Need to change your diet & lifestyle; take tumeric:

feeling weight bearing pain in the feet, inflammation

Also check out this great video by Dr. Berg for more ways to see what your feet are telling you about your health.

Video credit: Dr. Berg, “How Your Feet Are Warning You About Your Liver Problems”

If you’ve found this info helpful, please SHARE IT💗 , LIKE👍🏿 , REPOST ♻️, COMMENT🗬


 by clicking ”Follow”…Thanks so much for visiting, and please be a blessing and be blessed everyone!🙏🏿

Stars of Heaven & Lion Cubs Dance to Keep it Up by KCTL

The Stars of Heaven & Lion Cubs Dance is a dance group for the youth in Israel and our goal is to inspire children of all ages to grow their talent in the performing arts, specifically dance. Whether a few months of training or a few years, these youth are taught that the Most High comes first and that we take care of each other. As their instructor, I pray they will continue to train, grow in their talents and stay grounded in the Most High.

We hope you enjoy the video and help us to continue to encourage our children.

As always, why not SHARE IT💖 , LIKE👍🏾, REPOST♻️ , COMMENT🗬 and YES, SUBSCRIBE ✅ by clicking Follow……Thanks so much for visiting, and please be a blessing and be blessed everyone!

Homemade Cough Syrup

REPOST since it’s that time of year.  As many of you know I turn to medication as a last resort.  Try this natural homemade cough syrup.  It is a great idea to make it ahead of time.

What can you do at the first sign of a cold or the flu to keep it from becoming full-blown?  Just a quick recipe that I have tried and it works wonders for the immune system.  You can use it for the treatment of symptoms or as prevention.  When people around you are sick such as close family or co-workers that you have no choice of being around, we must have a way to ward off illness.

Photo credit:  WSJ

Here is what you will need…’s super simple:

  • About 20-24 cloves of garlic
  • Enough honey to cover the garlic in a jar to yield about a pint (approximately 400 mL by the time the garlic is added)
  • Note:  Raw honey is preferred instead of refined like you typically buy at the grocery store.  You can always make a half batch of this recipe.
  1. Peel the garlic cloves, crush them or cut them into tiny pieces and put them in a medium-size jar; add enough honey to cover the garlic and then set it aside for at least 36 hours.
  2. Take one teaspoon every 2-3 hours or as needed to relieve cough and sore throat.
  3. Use at the first signs of cough/cold and flu symptoms as an immune system booster.

Photo credit:

Garlic contains Allicin

This part of garlic gives it it’s health benefits but also will cause bad odor and potent taste.  The fresher it is, as with other foods, the more potent it is.  Garlic is a natural anti-infectant, helps to decrease blood pressure and works against blood clotting to some degree.

Honey stands on its own as a natural remedy

Honey is not only a natural sweetener, but it also has many vitamins and nutrients. If used in raw form as a sweetener, it won’t spike your blood sugar.  Its anti-oxidant properties are powerful and it guards against free radicals which can be cancer-causing.   more info honey health benefits

Together, these 2 make a superfood that helps us in multiple ways!

Do you have a recipe that’s similar to this?  Post it in my comments and let us know how it worked for you!

As always, why not SHARE IT🔗🙌, LIKE👍,  REPOST♻, COMMENT💬 especially if you try my healthy tips and they work for you,

and YES, SUBSCRIBE 👏by clicking Follow?

Thanks so much for visiting!

Another Milestone Reached


Thanks so much for all of the support! Blogging is a joy but a challenge to find the time. While working full time as a pharmacist and teaching dance classes part-time, I often have to choose. Each person that takes the time to read or watch the videos posted is grately appreciated! I hope to keep bringing more health, fitness and spiritually uplifting information here at tapin2life!


Thanks for 2 Years at tapin2life

It’s been a challenging but great journey!  I want to say thank you to my WordPress Family and to my faithful friends who support my blog here at tapin2life.  Working full-time in healthcare, being a part-time dance instructor and taking care of family is truly rewarding and exhausting at the same time but it makes life worth living to see the fruits of my labor.  

Just remember to stay positive and remember that our Father, creator of all things in the Heavens and the Earth is a Waymaker, Healer, Promise Keeper and most of all Faithful!  How much more should we strive to be like this to Him and to each other?  Thanks again and bless someone else with inspiration to push forward today by sharing this!!

As always, why not impact someone’s day and SHARE IT, LIKE,  REPOST, COMMENT 

and YES, SUBSCRIBE by clicking Follow?

Thanks so much for dropping in!

Rheumatoid Arthritis | Diet and best food to eat

This is a great summary for those who suffer from arthritis. I use ginger and tumeric in green tea. Thanks to Misha for posting😄! I will be suret o try some of these other foods.

The Glitterati Affair

Living with Rheumatoid arthritis is chronic and annoying. Two years ago, our world came crumbling down when me and my family  got to know about our mother being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). An auto immune disease, but also very common, found in people residing in India and all over the world, this disease has no cure. The treatment for RA is all about steroids, injections and surgeries if uncontrollable. We couldn’t really see her in immense pain and ultimately we all resorted for steroids as the last option keeping in mind, the weather of my hometown which is quite chilly, rainy and cooler for the maximum months of the year. RA has no connection with age or gender. It is an irrevocable occurrence in the immune system which mistakenly attacks our own bodies’ tissues thereby mainly affecting the inner lining of the joints, causing painful swelling, stiffness…

View original post 989 more words

Being Mentally Strong

abyss-adult-brave-2932I loved this post from a friend so much I had to reblog it!

Site Title

Grit. Resilience. Mental toughness. We hear a lot about these attributes. Of course we have an abundance of strategies and techniques for developing psychological resilience.

When most people set out to become fit, they’re thinking about their physical fitness. Getting in better physical shape tops the list for many.

In this case, if more people focused on their mental fitness, however, they’d likely become more successful in achieving the goals they set for themselves – physical fitness or otherwise.

Building mental muscle is the key to self-discipline, delayed gratification, grit, and perseverance. These are the skills you will need to become the best mental version of yourself.

We all would like to be able to deal with life’s ups and downs with strength and grace, and learning to manage your emotions is another important part of becoming mentally strong.

Keep in mind, being mentally strong doesn’t mean you don’t experience…

View original post 90 more words

Help Needed for the Chageem

Chag Sameach Family & Friends!  Once again we are in the High Holy Day Season and as a community we are in need of your assistance.  Due to a large number of guests coming in, we are asking for your assistance in hosting them.  Many come to the Holy Land looking for a spiritual experience and we do our best to accommodate them during those times.

You may help by giving any of the amounts below and can donate as many times as you are moved to do so.

Thank you ahead of time for your generosity and faith. We pray that you and your family enjoy the upcoming Chageem!  We will post a weekly update here of donation progress so feel free to stop by!