Movement Promotes Improvement – Fighting Dimentia

Shalom family, friends and readers who may be visiting my site for the first time! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted. October 7, 2023 changed our lives forever. It’s day 218 of the war and as we approach Israel’s Memorial Day for the fallen (Yom haZikaron) and Israel’s Independence Day (Yom ha’atzmaute), mixed emotions are being felt. I decided that it’s time to get back to whatever level of normal that I can although a lot has changed; but overall we are grateful to be alive and continue to pray for the families who have lost loved ones and to BRING THEM HOME (those hostages still not returned to their families).

Today there’s a subject that is in my opinion one of the most important topics that can be discussed; prevention of Dimentia or slowing the process. I want to share a few videos that walks us through the signs and stages of Dimentia, the types of Dimentia that exist and lastly how it can be prevented or the process slowed. In this age of fast food, toxins in everything from our so called food to the air we breathe and water we drink, we need no help with being vulnerable to Dimentia. We must fight to preserve our brain health and believe it or not there are some simple things that we can do. Brain matters and yes that pun is intended! Take a look at the link to the vid by Dr. Sten Ekberg (private vid and the below vid by Dr. Livingood.

Video credit Dr. Livingood
  • Fasting: Type 3 diabetes has been a term linked to insulin issues and as mentioned in the vid, our brain can benefit from intermittent fasting just as our gastrointestinal system. The brain and gut are tied together.
  • MOVEMENT!!!! Even if you can spare 10 minutes getting your heart rate up to get more blood flow to the brain.
  • Decrease inflammation and plagues forming in the brain by ingesting Omega 3 and tumeric. It’s worthwhile getting as much as we can in our diet but supplements are good as well.
  • Healthy fats versus bad fats: avacado is great as well as walnuts and other foods in their natural state. Coconut oil is mentioned in the video but I believe there still need to be long-term studies before ingesting this daily.
  • Sleep is crucial. Get your rest! Adults should be resting minimum 7 hours per night. This also will reduce the chance for stroke and heart attack. The brain uses a very large portion of our glucose energy and must reboot so to speak.

In addition, keep your brain sharp by always trying to learn something new such as a new language, board games like Scrabble, dance, pick up writing or journaling.

So incorporate things into your day like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, plan your meals and if you snack in between make it something tasty but healthy….all of us cheat and ingest unhealthy things void of no nutrition but limit those times as much as possible. BE GOOD TO YOUR 🧠 BRAIN!

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Spirulina Versus Chlorella

This health topic this week is dedicated to a good friend and sister of mine that recently suddenly passed away. She was kind, extremely funny, had an infectious smile, a laugh that would send you into laughter, sung often loud and off tune but just so full of such life. She was a true light and servant of the Most High. May she be remembered always and rest in peace.

This video was sent to me by her to share. She was a great support to me in continuing to bring forth health topics and encouraged me to research topics such as this often. Please view the video and feel free to leave me a comment what you think….Spirulina or Chlorella, which is best in your opinion and why?

To the family and friends of our Beloved Sister Donna, our deepest condolences from her Israel Family. She will truly be missed but always remembered.

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Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏾

The MSP Connection

Have you ever had a day that you were so mentally down that you could hardly find your way to do the basic daily tasks that you should… wash your face, brush your teeth, shower, make your bed or even eat a single meal? I want to high light in this post the MSP Connection (Mental, Soul and Physical Connection) as I have coined it. There is a rising and alarming rate of children and adults being diagnosed with some type of mental disorder. What is happening that is causing this? What are some things we can do to help ourselves and our loved ones to decrease the risk of falling amongst the ranks of the millions of those that suffer daily? Please watch these brief videos that shed a lot on this subject. The first thing we can do is recognize those that may be showing signs of a problem.

Video Credit: How to Spot the Signs Your Physical Health Is Affecting Mental Health posted by MedCircle

I truly believe the WHY has a lot to do with us being in such a fast paced, technology filled and social media infected lifestyle. Seems to me people were happier before cell phones, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and tiktok. Every time you turn around there’s someone that you find is posting their inner most secrets on social media or making it to look like their lives are flawless, which can tend to make the youth, especially, feel inadequate as if something is wrong with them for not having the same experiences.

This next video shares the impact of how mental issues are affecting our youth. Keep in mind that the signs that adults may demonstrate may not necessarily manifest the same in the youth. Take a look.

Video Credit: Y2Y Teens Discuss Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health, Youth to Youth International

So how do we prevent from going down the downward spiral of anxiety, depression and other issues tied to poor mental health? Well anyone that knows me knows that I’m a firm believer in our culture protecting us. Some of us would call it a religion or belief in a higher being. I believe that the Heavenly Father has put in place all that we need, not just for physical matters but for our spiritual needs as well. The spirit stands between the physical body and our soul. Keeping ourselves well fed physically and spiritually is imperative in order that the soul is not destroyed.

  • I have posted in the past the connection between the gut and brain, knowing that if we put healthy things in our mouths, our bodies will be better off. I don’t think anyone would argue with that.
  • Getting the proper amount of sleep often will help us to have a better outlook on the day and give us the energy to tackle our problems
  • We need each other! Anyone that has been isolated from loved ones, or those without friends and family, for whatever reason truly are affected by isolation. Don’t feel afraid to reach out. Yes, there is the risk of rejection in trying to meet and get to know people but the benefit of friendships and love far outweighs the risk. Also, those that have found strong connections, let others into your circle or family. Love is a healer.
  • Busy yourself with feeding your soul with the nourishment that it needs. Strive to be the best you and focus on TODAY. We can’t change the past but can improve on the present and future by putting in the self work.
  • GIVE and do it from the heart❤️! If it’s not real I suggest you keep it. Don’t get into the pattern of thinking that money is the only thing you can give, sometimes your time is the most valuable and heartfelt thing that will reach someone.
  • Connect with nature and all that the Most High has made for us to see, feel, taste, touch, smell and be grateful for your senses and abilities. Being out in nature has been shown to positively impact health.
  • Have a hobby. Something that you can develop possibly even into a talent. It could be as simple as reading, writing a poem, bird watching, listen to inspiring music, dance, coin or stamp collecting, etc.
  • And last but not least, be able to forgive yourself and others. Don’t carry baggage because it will only load you down. Easier said than done but most definitely there’s something that most of us need to unpack and let go of, and the sooner the better.

I’d love to hear back from those of you who have other suggestions on keeping your spirits up. Feel free to comment back😀.

I hope this will set you on a journey to a cleaner bill of MSP Health and maybe even help you to help someone else, whether they be a loved one or stranger that you encounter. Let the humanity in you shine through! Be a blessing to all you meet. One love!

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If You Don’t Do It For Yourself…..

I was recently inspired to start a new series of posts here at Tapin2life which will be called as titled above, “If You Don’t Do It For Yourself”. A few years ago I started the series, “Journey to Wellness, Turning Back the Clock”, however, lately more and more I’ve had my focus on my sons and daughters and the other children that I did not birth but love them just the same as the ones that I did. My thoughts have been heavily on what I can do to help them to incorporate healthier habits for a healthier life, longevity and better future. After all, it’s better to prevent disease than to have to backtrack and search for a cure.

Sometimes when we suffer from ailments and chronic illnesses ourselves, whether it be pain from a known or unknown source, severe allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol or even mental health issues, we can get stuck on self and just trying to make it day by day. Fortunately for me, most of the time my children will go along with the healthy changes that I introduce to them to incorporate, but when they don’t, I have to admit as a parent it concerns me greatly, mainly because I know the consequences to come of not guarding one’s health.

Coming off of the No Processed Food, No Sugar, No Animal products and Low Salt Challenge from a few weeks ago, I felt renewed, energized, clearer in my head on a lot of things. I hope those that joined me did as well. What I want to talk to you about today is……….

Our children and for some of us our grand children are watching us and not only that, they develop some of the same good and bad habits that we had or have by being around us whether it be eating habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. Think about it like this; usually, mothers and fathers are our first teachers. Children learn directly and passively. We have the power to make a great impact on our children. Watch this video to see an example of a young child who is definitely receiving positive teachings from his parents.

Video Credit: YouTube, The Today Show, “Meet the 6-year-old whose morning routine is going viral”

Now let’s look at some statistics, which is the bulk of what I want to focus on in this post:

Facts about ADHD

Millions of US children have been diagnosed with ADHD (information posted from the CDC, Data and Statistics About ADD/ADHD)

  • The estimated number of children aged 3–17 years ever diagnosed with ADHD, according to a national survey of parents,1 is 6 million (9.8%) using data from 2016-2019. This number includes
    • 3–5 years: 265,000 (2%)
    • 6–11 years 2.4 million (10%)
    • 12–17 years: 3.3 million (13%).
  • Boys (13%) are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls (6%).1
  • Black, non-Hispanic children and White, non-Hispanic children are more often diagnosed with ADHD (12% and 10%, respectively), than Hispanic children (8%) or Asian, non-Hispanic children (3%).1
  • Estimates for ADHD vary by state: 2
    • ADHD diagnosis among children aged 3–17 years: State estimates vary from 6% to 16%.
    • Any ADHD treatment among children with current ADHD: State estimates vary from 58% to 92%
      • ADHD medication: State estimates vary from 38% to 81%
      • ADHD behavior treatment: State estimates vary from 39% to 62%

Now having posted that information, I want you to watch something that hopefully will change what you think about how you care for not only yourself but for your children or in some cases your grand children. Along with these few tips and a healthy diet packed with nutrition, hopefully if you see these signs in your child, you have more options than getting them put on Ritalin or some form of an amphetamine. This also will benefits adults too.

Video Credit: YouTube, Do This for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Omega 3 Fatty Acids For ADHD – Dr. Eric Berg, DC

So to summarize Dr. Berg’s recommendations:

  1. Omega 3 as EPA/DHA 750 mg (heavier in EPA than DHA) – Altman is a great brand Omega 3 Max, http://Omega 3 Max or Alsepa Max
  2. Vitamin B1 or thiamine (can use Nutritional Yeast). Nutritional yeast also contains vitamin B2 (riboflavin), (vitamin B3) niacin  (vitamin B6) pyridoxine, (vitamin B12) cobalamin, trace minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese, and molybdenum.
  3. Reduce the intake of Omega 6 Fatty Acids—-FOUND IN HIGH AMOUNTS OF PROCESSED FOODS AND OILS SUCH AS: SOYBEAN OIL, CORN OIL, CANOLA OIL, and COTTONSEED OILS. Omega 6 is very inflammatory.

In conclusion, once again I can not stress enough, our youth often develop the same habits good or bad as we do. Consider that if you love your children, make that change for them if not for you.

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Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏿

7 Day No Processed Food, No Meat Low Sodium, No Sugar Challenge

Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic disease; high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, asthma? Are you overweight or meet the classification of obesity? Are you on multiple chronic medications? Have you suffered from side effects from your medications? Do you suffer from brain fog, depression, chronic pain? Well if the answer is yes to just one of these, this may be the help you’ve been hoping for.

Let’s do it as a community whether you are near or far!

Photo by Monstera on

I want you to hear a testimonial from Dr. Milton Mills regarding 2 patient’s that he helped through a lifestyle change of eating plant-based. As many of you know, I’m not vegan and don’t eat exclusively plant-based, however, I’m finding that more and more I see my ingestion of meat and dairy as something that if not eaten in moderation (once to twice a week at most), I seem to suffer from pain, inflammation, brain fog, bloating, even if just for one day, I see it’s not the best thing for me or my family. Take a minute to listen, it may motivate you to give it a try.

Video credit: Plant Based News YouTube Channel

The drawbacks of ingesting animal products such as chicken, beef and farm-raised fish, eggs, etc. far outweigh the benefits. There are so many testimonials and the stories are increasing of people not only getting their lives back but also turning back the clock from going plant based. The thing that I believe stops us is not knowing how to get started or thinking that we don’t have enough money to do it successfully. (See my post on some tips and encouragement regarding this…..simply not true:

So what do you have to lose; maybe except for a few pounds? The recipes are endless! Just remember to keep it as simple and organic as possible. Don’t cover up your food with condiments heavy in salt, sugar, preservatives and high fructose corn syrup. Natural is the best. If you eat out, there are vegan menus, just ask how the food is prepared and make it an adventure to find your go to restaurant when you want to treat yourself to a healthy, vegan meal. They do exist.

Last thought to leave you with. Know your baseline weight, blood pressure (if you have high blood pressure), average blood sugars (if you track them daily), and if you feel up to it your basic body measurements (waist, hips, chest, biceps circumference, thigh circumference, etc). If you suffer from pain, track your pain levels and use of medication if you take anything over-the counter and prescription). Notice your sleep pattern now and during the 7 days should you take this challenge. I’m sure after this, you too will have a testimonial to share!

Above: My version of Giant Steak Portobello Mushroom Burger on a small bun with purple cabbage salad and fresh cucumbers and carmelized onions and a side of rice with sesame seed oil and garlic. Make your own recipe and share here along with your testimonials.

We will start on Monday September 4th and end the evening of September 10th. LET’S GET HEALTHIER TOGETHER!

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Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏿

Pop a Pill or a Plant?

  • In the United States, prescription drug use is more common among non-Hispanic White persons (50%), followed by non-Hispanic Black persons (45%), Hispanic (37%), and non-Hispanic Asian persons (33%) (CDC, 2019). 
  • American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest rates of nonmedical prescription painkiller use (6.9%) followed by Hispanic persons (4.5%), White persons (4.3%), and Black persons (3.6%) (SAMHSA, 2105).
  • The top drug classes in the U.S. are high blood pressure medications, pain relievers, and mental health drugs (Statista, 2021).
  • It’s estimated that 66% of U.S. adults take prescription drugs (Health Policy Institute, 2021).

These are some horrifying statistics although we see it in plain sight on a daily basis if we’re paying attention; some of us have even fallen into one or more of the statistical category above. I want to share some news about a doctor that is one of few trying to make a difference by not easily passing a pill.

Video Credit: Real Stories

Now I’d like to share with you an excellent link just to show how many medications come from plants; this is just the most popular, not all inclusive. Of course a lot of herbs that are used are not on this list and maybe because Big Pharma hasn’t found a way to alter them so that they can apply for a patent for making money.

Last but not least, for all that are suffering from pain and inflammation, please look at a few of my blog posts on natural treatment for pain. If we know the source of the pain, we will better know the proper treatment and a lot of the time it just takes a lifestyle and diet change. We eat a lot of inflammatory foods and drink even worse triggering beverages. First and foremost try to get a diagnoses and once you have that, look into natural therapies, make permanent diet adjustments and incorporate some way to exercise; something that you enjoy so that you stick with it.

Here is a recent blog post that may help if you suffer from chronic pain:

A Change in Mindset to Achieve a Mainly Plant-Based Diet

Name one beneficial thing other than taste that we gain from meat that we can’t have by eating a mainly plant-based diet? These are some of the reasons that I have heard people say is why they haven’t began a mostly plant-based diet and dropped a heavily loaded down meat diet.

    • doesn’t take that much more time than having to kosher and soak your meat, skin and clean it than to wash and grind your meat substitutes or season them, etc.
    • Do meal prep 1-2 times a week and make it a family event! It will serve as education, help bring the family closer and get the job done quicker.
    • Some people’s excuse is that there’s not enough protein and B vitamins and they don’t feel full. Not so, there are some very filling foods high in protein and/or fiber, even more so than meat: chia seeds, hemp seeds, chick peas and much more.
    • Nothing beats a failure but a try. It’s fun experimenting. There is too much info out there now on healthy and alternative recipes for plant-based diets.
    • This is a myth. Calculate how many meals you can prep out of what you have bought from the store cooking plant-based and from scratch and how many meals you can get buying meat products.
    • Vegan and Vegetarian diets are said to cut costs by up to one third.
  • I don’t want to lose muscle mass:
    • Listen to this video by Dr. Bobby Price, a pharmacist like myself who recognized that his diet was killing him.

Video Credit: 4 Ways To BUILD Muscle Plant-Based NO MEAT, Dr. Bobby Price
  • Meat and the process of cooking meat causes cancer ⚠️
  • You’ll see usually within the first 2-3 weeks a decrease in:
    • Weight
    • Blood pressure
    • Insulin resistance
    • stress hormone (cortisol) and hormonal balance
    • better quality sleep
    • decrease inflammation and pains
    • feeling less bloated and sluggish
  • It will educate us and our families and bring us together….generational blessings; not only a longer life but better quality of life
  • You will gain a more youthful look and feel!
  • Decrease the need for medications or get rid of them altogether; avoid adverse drug reactions and the kidney and liver toxicity that comes along with some drugs.
  • Herbs are cleansing, so you will most likely have more frequent bowel movements and less junk in your body (imagine all of that toxin in your system for days on end, undigested and fermenting at body temp 98.6 degrees F). TOXIC
  • It encourages us to eat at home and choose our food wisely (no GMOs, no preservatives, etc.)

Please see my post on getting started:

http://What to stock in your cabinet/fridge to get started 🍲🥝🥗🍎

*Add before you start substracting: Put more veggies and fresh fruits into your diet and slowly ease into it. You’ll find it easier initially.

*Make it fun! Go to restaurants that have vegan menu options, find some staple recipes to start with (see my examples of breaded cauliflower, breaded broccoli and egg plant in my previous posts). 🥦🍄 You would be surprised how tasty, filling, nutritious and easy plant-based patties are 😋

*Know the major signs of toxicity: trouble sleeping, skin issues, body odor and bad breath, pain in the right upper abdomen (sign of liver issue)

*Top 3 things to strengthen your immune system: Dump sugar, Increase fiber to feed the good gut bacteria and make sure you get enough vitamin D (controls so much in our bodies). The average American eats 152 pounds of sugar per year 😱

*Know what the dangers are: meat and deli/processed meats are classified as level one carcinogens: The same as cigarettes, asbestos and plutonium!!!

Please watch this video also by Dr. Bobby Price about his personal story and why he turned to a plant-based diet:

Video Credit: Dr. Bobby Price Talks How To Get Unwanted Toxin Out Of Your Body, Detox The Right Way + More

Well I hope that this will encourage someone to get more healthy and that you minimize or eliminate meat in your diet . I am not 100% plant-based but I started this journey to help me and my family to be as healthy as possible and hopefully have a long life with quality. Perhaps one day I will be 100% plant-based. Now with all of that being said, I’ll ask again, WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK❓ Why not give it a try?

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Thyme is of the Essence

Thyme, also known as Thymus vulgaris or thymol, like so many other herbs, has some phenomenal properties that we all should take advantage of. It’s name is derived from the Greek work thymos which means courage or strength. Here are just a short list of it’s advantages:

  • Fights memory loss: This vibrantly flavored herb helps to protect brain cells from aging prematurely. It also increases the amount of active omega-3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase working memory, executive function, and mood, and decrease brain atrophy.
  • Antiviral action
  • Antiseptic activity
  • Antifungal activity
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiinflammatory
  • Antineoplastic actions
  • Loaded with vitamins and minerals such as: Vitamin A, B (mainly B6 which helps maintain the GABA levels in the brain that act as a stress reliever), Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate (B9), and Vitamin E
  • A great source of iron
  • Great for PMS
  • Acne due to it’s antiseptic effects
  • The leaves of thyme provide a great source of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and selenium. The potassium content makes thyme also great for controlling heart rate, blood pressure and provides an important component of cells and body fluids.

Let’s watch this short video that explains these amazing health benefits

“14 Health Benefits of Thyme” by You Tuber The Healing Factor

To use it in cooking or as a tea:

If you’re making chicken or turkey or even a meat substitute such as tofu patties lightly breaded and baked, cauliflower or broccoli florets (lightly breaded and baked) or even oyster mushrooms, rub about 1-2 teaspoons into the food….less if you don’t have a lot to season.

For making tea, boil your cup of filtered water and insert 3 sprigs of fresh thyme leaves or 2 sprigs of dry (or flakes in a tea ball). Let it steep covered for 5 minutes. Add your lemon, honey or whatever else you desire and enjoy!

Thyme essential oil is also great to use in place of the leaves. You can use 1-2 drops:

Use it to inhale for cough and cold symptoms. Also can be used on the skin with a carrier oil for acne. If the oil is taken internally just remember it is very potent and a fraction, even a drop can flavor an entire dish depending on your taste. All essential oils are potent so not much more than that is recommended. Do your research.

So remember if you suffer from brain fog😕, memory loss, want to amp up your vitamin B for your nervous system💪🏿, feel more relaxed, have a cold/flu, suffer from mucous in the lungs, low on iron, etc, I could go on more but you get the picture. Give thyme a try!

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Prevent Another Rainbow Pill Tragedy

Let’s dive in with some sad statistics to get started in seeing what a dire situation we’re in as parents, grand parents and communities.

Fentanyl remains the deadliest drug threat facing this country.  According to the CDC, 107,622 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2021, with 66 percent of those deaths related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl.  Drug poisonings are the leading killer of Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.  Fentanyl available in the United States is primarily supplied by two criminal drug networks, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

In September 2021, DEA launched the One Pill Can Kill Public Awareness Campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of fake pills.  Additional resources for parents and the community can be found on DEA’s Fentanyl Awareness page.

DEA United States Drug Enforcement Administration (an official website of the U.S. Government)

I want you to hear just one of the sad and heart breaking stories of a mother who lost a child to this growing epidemic. It’s even more crushing when you hear how it happened. Please take a look at Noah Rodriguez’s tragic story told by his Mother.

Video Credit: Texas Pictures Documentaries YouTube Channel

Due to rising poisonings from fentanyl laced cocaine and other illegal drugs, pills of street procured opioids and such that include fentanyl, Narcan (naloxone) is being carried by even some deputies, an opioid inhibitor that is sprayed into the nostrils for easier administration.

So why are people, especially our children so vulnerable to this horrible tragedy and why are we losing lives so easily?

  • We’re not speaking to each other enough! In this day of so much technology, we have gotten away from families sitting around the dinner table and breaking bread together at least once a day. I can remember growing up how my generation tried to keep this going but with single parent homes or even both parents being in the home but busy working trying to make ends meet, family time became very scant. We MUST put the cell phones down and be in each other’s presence. We MUST open up the lines of communication and actually speak to one another as well as be good listeners.

We can not feel afraid to share some realities with our children. Sometimes in the effort to shield them from the cruelties and horrors of the world and let them “have a childhood”, I fear that we are doing them a disservice and setting them up for being in a dangerous or even fatal situation.

  • Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid and more importantly 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine.  Only two milligrams of this drug is considered a lethal dose.  Due to illegal preparations, there is no way of knowing how much is in the pills that people are illegally procuring or being given freely. Imagine your child or loved one, even an adult at a party and being offered one of these cute and colorful pills or a powder form of it being slipped into their beverage. The person giving it to them may not even know that it’s dangerous. We must educate ourselves and our communities about it quickly to prevent any more lives being lost from this frightful epidemic. This isn’t just about addiction anymore, it’s about accidental poisonings and it’s on the rise.

Now I want to talk to you about my follow-up experience with Oregano Oil. If you check out my last post from June 17th, you will see all of the amazing benefits. One thing I did not fully investigate was the claim that it can also have a good influence on the brain. I truly believe in years to come that more research will show that it is not only possibly beneficial for depression and anxiety, but also to help with addiction. I began using it to combat inflammation and feel that it’s working but it’s only been 2 weeks. More follow-up to come but so far I feel very positive about the results in this short time. I have been taking an organic brand and worked my way up to 2 drops per day. I have found it to be very calming and the arthritis pain that usually comes from standing a lot has tremendously decreased. Check out the link below for more info as well as my last post.

This is How Oregano Oil Can Improve Your Mental Health

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Thanks so much for visiting and let’s get healthy!!!🙏🏿

The Healing Power of Oregano

Oregano is in the mint family of herbs and is one of the most powerful. It has been used for thousands of years or more. It’s a very potent and healing herb that emerging research is showing in these current times many health benefits that modern society is just beginning to take advantage of. It can help in the healing of so many different illnesses and conditions such as but not limited to:

Acne, candida and other fundal infections, allergies, cold and flu, ear infections, bronchial and asthma, bladder infections, high LDL cholesterol, antiparasitic and more. It’s also a powerful antioxidant digestive and weight loss aid. Please watch this short but very informative video by Dr. Gus to hear more about the healing power of oregano.

You can use the herb fresh, dried or as the oil. There are supplements that you can buy but why not use it in it’s natural form? Nothing tops nature. Oregano is also relaxing and if used in tea, let’s check out the benefits shared in the following video by YouTuber Clean Food Living. Who knows, you may want to start growing it yourself. I plan to very soon!😋

By the way, if you have the dried oregano leaves, use 2 teaspoons per cup of water, let steep and strain, enjoy with lemon, ginger, mint and honey or whatever natural sweetener you desire. Start slowly with the oregano oil, perhaps 1 drop in a carrier oil such as coconut oil if used topically and 1 drop in your cup of tea or a few sips of water. There are no definitive studies yet for the oil dosing. You don’t want to suffer from overloading your body as the toxins will come out as you use this daily. You can increase the amount of oregano slowly as needed. It’s also great for fungus of the feet if you use a few drops in water (you may need to experiment with the amount but it has been shown to work). Consult your doctor as always before using any natural remedy or medications.

So what ailments do you have that you may be able to benefit from by incorporating oregano into your diet? Leave me a comment if you have experienced healing from this powerful herb or if you have plans to use it. You never know, by sharing, you could help many people.

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