A Huge Thank You

A great big thank you to all of our supporters who donated and to the parents for your ongoing commitment to help our children to succeed. We finally received the tap and jazz shoes for our Stars of Heaven & Lion Cubs Dance Troupe!!!!

All of the dance troupe students are excited and learning their new routines for upcoming events. Now with our more professional look, we hope to expand the number of performances we are able to present.

We are in ongoing need of your support so always feel free to donate anytime by using the above link. Also, continue to share and like our videos and we’d love to hear feedback from you, our viewers and supporters! Don’t forget to subscribe as well to tapin2life and to Taptutor on YouTube to stay updated as to our progress.

Stars of Heaven & Lion Cubs Dance Troupe

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Thanks so much for dropping in!

Taptutor Session 10! The Maxie Ford or Maxie Break!

Hello to all of my dancers out there, whether beginner or advanced, it’s always good to brush up on technique and practice.  This is for all ages.  Maybe you want to learn tap in the comfort of your own home.  Just subscribe to my YouTube after watching this video!

Tap Session 4

Continuing on with Tap Session 4 where we learn how to incorporate toe step and cramp roll into a combination!  Keep practicing and please subscribe to my YouTube!