Perpetual Holocaust of Africans

Truthfully, I know the responses that Africans, Blacks, African Americans receive when we bring light to our past and present of being terrorized throughout history…..such sayings as, “That was a long time ago”, or “Slavery is over, you must get over it, besides that, no one in this generation dealt the terror or received it”. This is exactly why I felt compelled to write this post.

I choose to remember my African history because after all, we are approaching that short month in which historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History announced the second week of February to be “Negro History Week”. This became a precursor to Black History Month in America which began in
1976, and since then, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month.

Many ask, “Why do Blacks need a month for their history”. How about this…..our history is rarely taught in the public school system and if it is, there are so many deletions and changes made to it that it would be unrecognizable to our ancestors. Let’s just look at the term “Black History” itself. It doesn’t tell anyone where we are from, it’s just a color. We have been called everything throughout the centuries except for what we truly are, “African”. So I leave you with these thoughts to ponder and if you would choose to educate others, no matter what their heritage that the holocaust of Africans worldwide is in full effect, even till this day. Just know that this is blood spilled on American soil and doesn’t even begin to touch the holocaust that occurred in world history or before the Atlantic Slave Trade, surpassing all death tolls of any nation of people ever reported.

Perpetual Holocaust

East St. Louis Massecre July 1917

Red Summer Massecre (including Elaine, Arkansas) 1919

Black Wall Street Tulsa Murders (Greenwood) May 1921

Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiment 1932-1972

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing September 1963

Hurricane Katrina Deaths from little or no government response and displacement of children from families- 2005

Flint, Michigan Deaths and Chronic Illnesses from Water Pollution (2012-present)- most victims predominately African American

Charleston Church Shooting June 17, 2015

Unfortunately, since it’s inception, the United States of America has perpetuated a holocaust and the death toll of my people continually rises, while we hear, “Get over it” .

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