Garden Whisper

This poem and mood was inspired by my modest window garden.  I truly miss planting in the earth and having a big back yard, however, sometimes you have to stir what you got!  Be grateful in all that the Most High gives and He will increase what you have beyond your dreams.  Such order in nature and as I observe the growth of my tomato and melon plants, avocado, lemon and pomegranate trees, although small, I get a sense of calm as I care for them and watch the progress made from week to week.  Did you know that since the mid 80’s hospitals began to take advantage of the calming effect received by patients who suffer from pain and anxiety.  These are huge sources of stress that damage our immune systems.  So, test this theory out on a stressful day and take a stroll through a garden.  Even consider starting your own.  Even a window garden like mine can be beneficial.  Isn’t your health worth it?

4 thoughts on “Garden Whisper

  1. Thank you for sharing the poem. I especially appreciate the last part…so true. I recently moved to a place where there is a garden. I’m learning to recognize and appreciate the foods and flowers that heal and nourish us. Definitely different from most store bought produce!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, glad you enjoyed and happy you get the benefits of going as green as possible! Thanks so much for reading!


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